Faculty Workshops and Training
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Find Funding
⏯ 菠菜网lol正规平台 Internal Funding Opportunities (28:30) | Slides
Learn about numerous internal initiatives from Office of Research for 2023/24: RSCA
Seed Grants, University Grants Academy and Research Clusters, VPRI Teaming Grants,
Equipment Grants, mentorship and more.
⏯ HSI/MSI Program Grants (20:59) | Slides
菠菜网lol正规平台 is a Minority-Serving Institution, Hispanic Serving Institution and AAPI-Serving
Institution. These official designations can bring enhanced opportunities to our
diverse student population.
⏯ Equipment Grants (29:38) | Slides
Opportunities and eligibility for equipment and instrumentation grants. Specifically
covers agencies such as NSF, NIH, DOE, DOH, and NASA.
⏯ Faculty Fellowships (1:05:23) | Slides
Learn about fellowships, strategies, and specifics for funders such as Fulbright, Institute for Citizens & Scholars, and national agencies.
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PI Preparation Series: Planning and Submitting
Planning for, writing, and submitting grant and fellowship applications. This workshop details proposal support offered by Research Development and Office of Sponsored Projects, how to access them, and who does what.
Watch your email inbox for offerings announced in the monthly newsletter from the Associate Vice President for Research. The subject line reads, "Strategic Grants Funding Opportunities Newsletter". If you are not receiving it, email funding-information@liuyang1999.com.
⏯ Planning Your RSCA Enterprise (31:44)
Planning and staffing your RSCA space, training and mentoring students, and creating your own RSCA culture will significantly influence your contributions. This workshop discusses these topics and how to fund different RSCA trajectories.
⏯ Basic Tips and Tricks of Grant Getting (35:58) | Slides
This workshop discusses how to find the right opportunity and support, writing a RSCA narrative, and some key tricks for a competitive proposal.
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Submit or Resubmit a Proposal
⏯ Resubmissions (25:44) | Slides
Resubmissions are to be expected. With or without agency feedback, we share strategies
on how to become more competitive in round two.
⏯ Write a RSCA Narrative with Competitive Advantage (35:23) | Slides
How to write a compelling narrative to increase the likelihood of success. Includes several pro tips.
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Spend An Award
PI Preparation Series: Managing an Award
How to navigate the process after an award is received: contracts and subawards, spending, staffing, budget, reports, closing out, and more.
Watch your email inbox for offerings announced in the monthly newsletter from the Associate Vice President for Research. The subject line reads, "Strategic Grants Funding Opportunities Newsletter". If you are not receiving it, email funding-information@liuyang1999.com.
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Mentor Students
Advancing Inclusive Mentoring (AIM)
Six-Session Virtual Workshop Series, Ongoing
This program is useful and open to all fields and fulfills NIH T-grant requirements for PIs to be trained in effective student mentorship. The series follows the AIM curriculum developed at CSU Long Beach as part of the NIH-funded Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity Initiative.
Email OfficeOfResearch@liuyang1999.com to jump in for the next rendition.
⏯ Ethics and Good Professional Practice (36:47) | Slides
How to cultivate a positive research environment as Principle Investigator. Covers structural issues that contribute to misconduct and how to support students in ethical decision-making.
Campus Programs
These 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus programs include mentorship development.
Office of Research Student RSCA Fellowship
Work with an advisee in the Student RSCA Fellowship (SRF) program. Mentors receive a half-day workshop, three monthly meetings with grant recipients, and honorarium. Students must apply with faculty approval by February for the following year. Program culminates with a presentation at Celebration of Research. More info at funding-information@liuyang1999.com.
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
UROP supports faculty and students to engage in research and mentorship. Faculty submit a project to apply and receive orientation, development funds, and research support.
Learning-Aligned Employment Program
Provides funding for eligible students to work with a faculty member on research. Straightforward startup process.
🌐 Diversity Training and Consulting via Office of the President
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New and Aspiring PIs, Start Here!
Welcome to your RSCA journey. Here's how to get started.
1. Sign up for this workshop:
PI Preparation Series: Planning and Submitting
Planning for, writing, and submitting grant and fellowship applications. This workshop details proposal support offered by Research Development and Office of Sponsored Projects, how to access them, and who does what.
Watch your email inbox for offerings announced in the monthly newsletter from the Associate Vice President for Research. The subject line reads, "Strategic Grants Funding Opportunities Newsletter". If you are not receiving it, email funding-information@liuyang1999.com.
2. View these videos:
⏯ 菠菜网lol正规平台 Internal Funding Opportunities (28:50)
⏯ Planning Your RSCA Enterprise (31:44)
⏯ Write a RSCA Narrative with Competitive Advantage (35:23)
3. Sign up for University Grants Academy:
This semester-long course offers full support, mentorship, and community through the process of writing a significant external grant proposal to fund your RSCA enterprise. Strongly recommended for all faculty. Buyout and fellowship funding included. More information on the UGA website.
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